tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Experiencing Saskatchewan

In January 2012, I started a new job doing contract work. The first contract I got was located Regina, and since I had stated when I was interviewing that I would be happy to travel anywhere, off I went.
As a child, on one of our family trips we had driven through Saskatchewan on our way to BC to visit my aunt, and my total memory of this part of our trip was Mom driving, and me navigating in the front seat.
I looked down the road, and I looked at the map, and Mom and I agreed that we were coming up to Regina. As a child, I remember thinking that from that moment, it took about two hours to get to the city, and we could see it coming the entire time. We started to think we were hallucinating, the way people see water in the desert.
Ontario isn't like that. You're lucky if you can see far enough ahead to pass the car in front of you on most of the roads I grew up on.
Coming back as an adult, I have realized that it probably wasn't quite two hours that we watched the city come towards us, but I definitely wasn't surprised when I went outside of Regina the first week I was here and saw this:

Scenery just outside of Regina

Since then, I have discovered that the whole province isn't flat, there are actually valleys in it. ...Or cracks, however you want to say it. People also tell me that Northern Saskatchewan is very similar to Ontario, so I'll try to see that, too.

To date, my experiences in Saskatchewan include:
  • Weekend in Rocanville
  • "Bump Down" There
  • They gave me a Truck!
  • Buffalo Pound Provincial Park
  • The "Crooked Bush"
  • Castle Butte
  • Mom's First Visit
    • RCMP Sunset Retreat Ceremony
  • Bike-riding again after a 15+ year break
  • Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park
    • Conglomerate Cliffs
    • Hidden Conglomerate Cliffs
    • Lookout Point
    • Bald Butte
    • Robsart, SK
  • Horseback riding after a ~20 year break!!!
  • Weekend Rodeo
  • Outlook, SK - Longest Pedestrian Bridge in Canada
  • Remembrance Day visit from Angharad
  • Camping at Sask Landing
    • Sand Castles at Lake Diefenbaker
  • Bird Migration at Outlook
  • Camping at Qu'Appelle Valley
Stay tuned for more!

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