tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Planning - Paris and Tuscany

Prequel to: Paris and Tuscany

I got a taste for European travel when I was in Grade 12, during my exchange to Germany. While there, I was astonished at the evidence left behind by the Romans, and so began my fascination with Italy. Since then, on and off in my spare time, I have studied a little bit of history, and so my desire to see the countries bordering the Mediterranean increased.

And then I watched Under the Tuscan Sun, and fell in love with the countryside. (That happens to me a lot.) 

 A few years ago now, I mentioned this to one of my girlfriends, and she jumped at it. Having a travel companion, I started investigating, and discovered that it is possible to fly cheaply between European countries, and that it is cheaper to fly to Paris from Toronto than to Rome. In addition, Barb is in love with Paris and has never been, and I spent one VERY rushed day there during that 3 month exchange.

Tuscany - Planned Day Trips
And so a plan was born:
  • We would book a flight from Toronto to Paris, staying for 2+ weeks there, and book another flight from Paris to Italy, staying there for 10 days.
The plan is ever evolving, but we are definitely visiting Paris and Tuscany in September of this year (2012). There are 4 of us going, we have a villa rented in Tuscany, and will be spending about 3 days total in Paris, either split up, as originally intended, or at the beginning or end of our stay in Tuscany.

It will be the trip of a lifetime! (Although really, I like to think of every trip I take as being one of those...)

Tentative Schedule

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