tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Friday, August 17, 2012

re: apartment in Paris - URGENT SITUATION!!!

Part of the series: Planning Paris and Tuscany


I have been patting myself on the back for having most of the logistical work needed to plan this trip out of the way, and BAM! I get an email with that subject line as I'm standing in front of the nacho chips trying to decide which kind to buy for my sister's chips and dip dish that she is bringing to our nephew's first birthday party tomorrow.

The last couple of days have been a series of hits and misses, as follows:
Miss - Couldn't sleep AT ALL on Wednesday night - got maybe 3 hours of sleep in total
Hit - Florence itinerary is mostly complete, after focusing on it for a couple of hours yesterday
Miss - Forgot half of Coleman's birthday present in Regina yesterday
Hit - Got to the airport in lots of time
Miss - Plane was late boarding
Hit - Very short line at the car rental, and my car is a very nice Chrysler 200 convertible for the weekend! :)
Miss - Traffic at 1:00 in the morning on the Lakeshore was HORRIFIC!!! Something to do with the Ex, I think. I got stuck, but good, because I did a u-turn and went right to the back of the line in the tangle of cars trying to exit the parking lot. Had I realised that the problem was the Ex, I NEVER would have tried to cut through the back of the grounds!!! Also, Julia forgot to leave the door of her apartment unlocked for me, and left her phone charging in the living room - it took about six calls and me knocking on the door before she woke up to let me in...
Hit - woke up this morning, and was ready to head out the door for work just before 8am
Miss - A bird crapped on me again. That makes three times total - I don't care what people say about that being good luck, I DON'T LIKE IT!
Hit - Finished one of my work assignments early while working from home
Miss - Had a nose bleed.
Hit - Found the second half of Coleman's birthday present no problem, and got everything I need to decorate the cake, plus Julia's groceries.


Which brings us to that email. And the fact that I now have to find another place to stay in Paris for three nights before we arrive there in two weeks.

I'm trying not to think about what traffic will be like heading out to Guelph from Toronto on a Friday night in August. Or that I am going to try to decorate a birthday cake tonight when I get there.


Did I say that already??

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