tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A quick note before I get back to travel-blogging

Julia's cat, Rocky
It is now Boxing Day 2012, and I have not yet finished my posts from
Europe. This makes me just a little anxious, because the longer it takes me the more likely I am to forget things like how much the washers in Europe disliked us! And how painful it was to be constantly walking upstairs or downstairs for two weeks straight! Or how wonderful the real David was, and how completely fortunate we were to actually get in to see it. Or how important it is to scroll to the bottom of web pages when you are trying to plan day trips in Paris. Really, the list of little things that I could forget is almost endless.

And so, expect to see quite a few adjustments in the next week or so. I am working, but it is also the holiday season, and so I have quite a bit of time free to catch up on the fall. There is also a large possibility that I will get even further behind, since I'm not exactly sitting still over the holidays.

On Saturday, December 22nd, I went and saw a little bungalow in Regina for the second time, and put an offer in on it. I am very excited about this, as you can imagine. And perhaps I should mention that this fall, I made the decision to make my move to Regina permanent (for now). This has been a fairly big deal for me, having actively planned to never "live" anywhere but Ontario. At any rate, now I'm trying to buy a house. Fingers crossed that someone will agree to give me a mortgage.

On the 23rd of December, I flew to Toronto, arriving at midnight. I crashed at my sister's condo - both to get some sleep before tackling the 3-hour drive to Bancroft, and also to check in on Julia's cat, Rocky. Rocky was fine, as expected, but was VERY happy to see me. He cuddled
 right in, purring beside me, and I got very little sleep, in the end. It turns out that Rocky and I sleep on the same side of the bed.

By 6am, I was on the road again, stopping in at Jonathan and Wilma's before they woke up to pick up Coleman's christmas present - Jonathan was on call, so they missed the Bancroft trip this year. By 9:30, I had arrived at Mom and Dad's, and had already gotten a cuddle in with my adorable nephew. He has approximately 5 1/2 months left of being the most adorable baby ever, and then he will be the most adorable big brother ever.

Jon, Sara, and Coleman left in the morning, as did Jeremy and Jessica - that was a nice surprise as well; I thought they had been planning to leave on Sunday with Ben, Kelsey and Julia.

Mom has a broken wrist that didn't set right, so has been re-broken and pinned, so I helped with the laundry, and making up all the beds Monday afternoon. Tuesday, we drove down to Bloomfield for Christmas dinner with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Liz and Autumn, and then headed home and dropped into bed.

This morning, we finished making up beds and vacuuming downstairs, and the plan is to finish upstairs either this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

Shortly after lunch tomorrow, we are back on the road to Toronto, hoping to get there with some time to relax before dinner and the theatre (Julia, Jon, Wilma, Mom, Dad and I are going to see "War Horse") and then sometime on Friday, in two vehicles, one leaving in the morning, and one leaving in the afternoon, we are off to Florida, arriving on Sunday morning.

... We being Mom, Dad, Uncle Al, Jonathan, Wilma and me.

Various activities are planned while we are down there, including (but not limited to) golf, Disney World, biking, and relaxing... and then we are driving straight back to Ontario, getting back in time for Wilma to work on Friday, and Mom to get to an appointment to have her arm looked at again.

I fly back to Regina on Sunday, and am hoping to get another visit with Autumn in on Friday, and then maybe spend the weekend with Cathilynn and Cecil.

And all of that was just evidence of how completely possible it might be for me to get even further behind in my travel-blogging over the holidays.

One last little note about my plans for the coming year, and then as promised, this will get right back into travel-blogging.

My biggest New Year's Resolution is to run a half-marathon at the end of May, and MAYBE another at the beginning of September. I also have a few trips planned, mostly until the end of summer, and then I'll start thinking about the fall.

I'm expecting 2013 to look something like this:

January - Florida for New Years, buy a house, Toronto for The Wizard of Oz, buy a car
February - Possible Dad visit in Regina, Vancouver
March - Possible Mom/Dad visit (If February doesn't work)
April - Calgary??
May - Nei/phew born, Belleville to see Jon/Sara and family, run a half-marathon in Saskatoon
June - ???
July/August - Vancouver, then road-trip down west coast, visit Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, and drive back up through Idaho (National Geographic has shown me some absolutely stunning scenery through there)
September - Possible second half-marathon in Regina
October - Home for Thanksgiving??
November - ???
December - Home for Christmas (And actually make it for when the rest of my family is here!!!)

I also have a few things still to see in Saskatchewan - namely the sand dunes out by Swift Current, the Great Wall west of Rosetown, the Big Tree north of Saskatoon, some more of the badlands, and Lake Diefenbaker.

There are more, but that seems like a fairly ambitious list for next year already.

The other thing that I am hoping to do is buy a second property, strictly as an income property. I'll see how the year goes.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year's to everyone!

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