tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day 6 - The Big Sur

Part of the series: Vancouver to the Grand Canyon and Back Again!

<<     Day 5 - San Francisco

Half-way through the trip and we couldn't spend even a minute thinking about the wonders we had seen so far; we were on our way to the Big Sur coastline, and the Grand Canyon was still ahead after that!

Big Sur coastline

Driving down that coastal road was almost as curvy as the mountain roads we climbed in Italy, the biggest difference being that the road in California was a bit wider, and on the right-hand side, most of the time there was a drop-off to the ocean.

Juanita and Angharad
It was beautiful, and we took our time, stopping at whichever pullout caught our fancy.

The pullout immediately after Bixby Bridge was one that we explored at length - I should maybe point out that Angharad works for an engineering firm that specializes in bridges, and so we were all affected by her new-found interest in them.

Bixby Bridge, California

I was standing on the edge of that hill-cliff thing! 

Sitting on a tree stump on the edge of the continent

A little further down the road, we found a pullout that had a perfectly formed tree stump chair, which I thought would be great to climb up... and it was, right up until the minute I tried to get down and realized that a) I am very short, and b) I was VERY close to the edge of the cliff.

Yet again, we found ourselves laughing well past the point of tears.

And there was still more to come!!!

Now my fear of heights kicks in?!?!

View north...

... and south from the stump - Totally Worth It!!!

<<     Day 5 - San Francisco

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