tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Friday, June 27, 2014

Vancouver to the Grand Canyon and Back Again!

Sequel to: Planning a road trip to the Grand Canyon

As expected, our trip to the Grand Canyon was a fantastic experience in which we covered many miles, saw wonderful new things every day, met new friends, and got to know old friends better.

Two weeks later, I am still digesting everything we saw and did, but I'll try to describe it all for you.

After our planning sessions, the next step was actually packing and leaving. Starting about 4 weeks in advance, I got a daily text from Angharad asking if I had located my passport. I hadn't, but kept looking for it, knowing it was somewhere in my house. I knew this because I had just used it for my trip to Mexico in April, and how far could a passport go, really?

Well, I finally gave up looking for it on June 17, leaving me just enough time (9 business days) to get a new passport picture, fill out all the required forms, report it lost and apply for a new one. Of course, the very next morning, I found the old one, but damage done, all I could do was cross my fingers and hope that my new passport would arrive on schedule the day I left for Vancouver. Which it did.

And so, passport in hand and suitcase packed, I headed off to Vancouver, arriving slightly delayed but safely. Angharad met me at the airport, and we headed to Juanita's for the night, where she was still busily packing and repacking, trying to fit everything into one suitcase.

In the end, we headed out with a suitcase, a purse and one other bag each, a cooler for the trunk with water and ice, and a cooler for in the car to hold our driving snacks and food for each day. We each also had a water bottle and coffee mug, and various electronics with playlists for the road.

All in all, travelling with seasoned road trippers was an eye opening experience for me. Plus, it gave me a new list to work on. :)

We went to bed very early Saturday morning, with no set agenda for the first day, other than leaving Vancouver sometime around noon. A very good way to start a long road trip.

Route Map

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