tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Elephant Seals

Part of the series: Vancouver to the Grand Canyon and Back Again!

Elephant seals play fighting in the surf
A few stops later, now starting to look for signs to Hearst Castle, we drove past a sign that we didn't quite understand - something about elephant seals, and then noticed what looked like rocks out in the surf.

Except if you watched them very closely, they were moving.

And then we turned a corner, and happened upon the Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery, with elephant seals in attendance.

Elephant seal taking a break from walking along the beach

There was a free parking lot and park staff available to answer any questions people had, and so we spent a while there watching the baby elephant seals playing in the surf. They stop there every year on their way up north for the summer to shed their outer skin/fur layer, and we happened along when the "babies" were still there.

If you ever get the chance to drive down the California Big Sur coast in mid- to late-May, I highly recommend stopping to see the big guys - on average about 5 m in length.

After watching them play for a while, we drove down the road to Hearst Castle.

... do elephant seals growl?

Apparently, squirrels are a problem for the elephant seals

Crow sitting on a post

Elephant seals molting before summer migration

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