tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Barb's account of our train ride into Paris

Part of the series: Paris and Tuscany

<< Taking the train into Paris

Excerpt from an email Barb wrote:

We arrive at 7:35 am on Saturday morning and bravely took the train into Paris. We had to get on the RER and then transfer to the Metro which should have been fine except we lost Anna when a very aggressive man in a wheelchair insisted on getting on an already very crowded car before all the passengers got off. He clipped Lynn and knock her to the side and completely trapped Anna in the car as the doors closed while Lynn and I look on in horror, as Anna was the only one with the address of our Paris destination. We quickly came to the conclusion that Anna could not return via the platform we were on as all the trains were headed in the same directions, so we ventured upstairs hoping either we would find her or she would find us. She found us and all was well as we headed off to our destination.

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