tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Taking the train into Paris

Part of the series: Paris and Tuscany

View from the train on the ride into Paris
View from the train on the ride into Paris
Our train ride into Paris was... interesting, to say the least.

We walked through the airport to the train station, where we successfully managed to buy our tickets. We got on an empty train, and picked what we thought would be good seats. The train VERY quickly filled up with other passengers and their assorted luggage, and after a few stops, we realized that we were now stuck in the middle of a full car, both doorways and the aisle blocked by people and their various luggage.

We also noticed that really, the trains did not stop at any station for very long, and so to ensure that we got off at the right stop, we got up and moved closer to the door a stop early. For me, this meant that I stood up and rotated my suitcase so that it was ready to roll in the right direction.

I have to say that I had a slight premonition that not all would go well, but Barb has a theory that whatever energy you put out into the world, that is what you will get back, so I pushed my worry down, and concentrated very hard on positive thinking. We would all get off the train at the right stop, because really, what could possibly go wrong? People get off of crowded trains with luggage all the time.


The train arrived at the stop, Barb, Lynn, the whole family that had decided we had a good idea and so moved in between us all got off the train with relatively few problems, at least from my point of view.

I was at the door, stepping backwards out of the train, lifting/pulling my suitcase through the very crowded doorway, when all of a sudden, something very hard was pushing me back into the train.

At the same time, people on the train were yelling, someone behind me was yelling, and the end result was that a man in the wheelchair got on the train, I stayed on the train, and Lynn and Barb were left on the platform as I tried to reassuringly sign that I would "Be Right Back!"

And I was. I got off at the next stop, caught a train in the direction I had come from, went upstairs and found them, looking for me.

And then we tried to exit the train station and go into the metro. Barb went through fine, Lynn went through fine, and I could not find my ticket ANYWHERE!! I think it got dropped in the scuffle on the train.

Finally, in desperation, I asked a lady just before she went through the gate if you absolutely needed a ticket to exit, and she said yes, and then very kindly walked me through the wheelchair exit.

After that, the Metro seemed very simple.

I will say, though - we took a taxi back to the airport when we left Paris...

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