tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 12 - Home again, home again...

Part of the series: Vancouver to the Grand Canyon and Back Again!

<<     Day 11 - The Vermilion Cliffs

My flight left at noon on Wednesday out of Salt Lake City and so we had breakfast in Provo and then started driving again.

It was a very hard plane to get on, considering I knew what still lay ahead on the return road trip to Vancouver, but I had run out of vacation days and so had no choice but to go home.

Sea gull by the Sea Lion Caves, Oregon coast
Trip Review

This road trip was by far the best I've ever been on.

The credit for that goes completely to Angharad, who had every hotel booked, knew the travel time for each day, brought maps with details on getting to each hotel to make sure we never got lost, and planned the perfect amount of activity and down time.

Cost-wise, our hotels averaged $130/night with the exception of San Francisco and Williams. San Francisco was ~$250/night and Williams was $150 including the train ticket into the Grand Canyon.

We also spent two nights at a friend's house in Los Angeles which had no cost.

The total cost for me for hotels was $620.
My flight (Regina - Vancouver, Salt Lake City - Regina) was another $550.00.
Other costs included activities, gas, and food for the trip, which all came to just over $1500 for a 12-day tour of the Western US coast and the Grand Canyon.

The route we took is one I absolutely recommend - I can't think of anything that we passed by without stopping at on our way from Newport to Los Angeles. And of all the things we stopped for, I can't think of any that I would discourage people from visiting. The Sea Lion Caves smelled, but they were interesting and worth seeing once.

San Francisco needs more than two days to fully appreciate, but it was a great introduction to that city.

Me at the Grand Canyon
For me, the two days we spent in Los Angeles was enough, but that could depend on what you wanted to see and do there.

The train ride into the Grand Canyon was a unique experience that I would recommend to anyone, especially if you have a young family. I would like to go back some day, maybe when I get the nerve up to hike or ride a mule down into the canyon. Or raft through it... something more than just look at it.

The Vermilion Cliffs were beautiful, and I believe them to be just a taste of what can be seen in Utah, which makes me very interested in touring the parks there.

And now, back to work I go, dreaming of my next destination. Hopefully you're inspired to do the same!

Sunrise on the beach at Bandon, Oregon
<<     Day 11 - The Vermilion Cliffs

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