tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Monday, May 7, 2012

"Bump Down" There!

Part of the series: Experiencing Saskatchewan

It was an overcast, windy Sunday, and Ben, Vinessa and I were leaving Erika and Riley's after lunch to go pick up Vinessa's car that she had loaned to a girl whose car had broken down... I'm not sure of all the details, but I did know that we were heading across country to this little town a bit further north.

We were in an extended cab pickup, Ben driving, Vinessa shotgun, and me back seat. (just to assist with the visual imagery)

I discovered during the drive that neither Ben nor Vinessa really knew the route they wanted to take, and so me and my trusty iPhone ended up guiding us out of the maze of grid roads that we ended up on.

As we were navigating, we noticed a huge flock of snow geese off to the left, and before I knew what was happening, the conversation went like this:
Ben: Check out that huge flock of geese!
Anna: What kind of geese?
Ben: Snow geese.
Anna: Cool. (losing interest and looking out across the fields at something else)
Vinessa: Ben, why don't we just bump down there and check them out?
Ben: Sure.
Anna: (attention RAPIDLY returning to the conversation AND the location of the geese, way off in the middle of a field) ... What do you mean "Bump Down There"!?!?!
Vinessa: (as Ben drives straight off the road instead of turning the corner) Oh, you know, just "bump down there."
Anna: Oh.
...Truck bumping along through the field towards the geese...
Vinessa: Ben, maybe this wasn't a good idea. What if we run into a sloo*?
Anna: What's a Sloo!?!?!?!
Vinessa: (laughing too hard to answer me...)
Saskatchewan: Land of the Living Sky Things People Only Do Here Because You Can't Do Them Anywhere Else. Or so my experience is proving to me.

Click the image for more photos
* Slough (pronounced sloo): (in the prairies) a large hole where water collects or the water in such a hole
Definition provided by Dictionary.com

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