tour·ist: a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

They gave me a Truck!

Part of the series: Experiencing Saskatchewan

Until this weekend, I have to say I never understood the appeal of driving a huge truck.

I get it now. I called on Saturday to get an economy car, and none were available, but: "we do have a pickup on special for $15.99 a day, would that work?" Oh, yes, it absolutely would work for me, thank you very much!

I had to jump a little to get into it, but I went exploring, got lost a little bit, and generally had a blast.

I had planned, a few weeks ago, to go touring through the Qu'Appelle Valley, which is a very large crack in the otherwise flat landscape of Saskatchewan that runs East-West just north of Regina. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, the weather was miserable - grey and rainy all weekend.

Saturday was absolutely beautiful, I had a truck, a brand new camera to test, and my GPS, and so off I headed.

Blue line = Road taken; Green line = Wrong turn; Red line = Missed turn
 A few highlights to look out for as you go through the photo album are:
  • As labeled in my GPS - "Unpaved road"
  • Standard intersection signage when traveling on grid roads
  • Picture of a slough (why this is important, refer to the story titled "Bump Down" There)

Click the image for more photos

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